Morning sickness is one of the most prominent and recognizable early signs of pregnancy. Most pregnant women experience morning sickness. Follow below Morning Sickness Relief Tips that really work.
Causes of Morning Sickness
Morning Sickness is a sign of pregnancy and is consequently caused by hormonal changes. The estrogen level increase in the body results in this condition, which usually appears in the first trimester as the first menstrual cycle is missed after fertilization. The condition is also caused due to low blood sugar, increased progesterone levels, increased bilirubin levels and exposure to certain odors.
Morning sickness is not really a serious condition but it can cause a lot of distress. The time at which the condition occurs which is known as the first trimester is critical for the development of the fetus and involves the risk of the development of birth defects.
Therefore, due care is needed for morning sickness relief in order to keep the health of the fetus and the mother unaffected. Most of the time, simple treatment methods that can be carried out at home are sufficient instead of seeking more complex medical treatment. However, in case of severe symptoms, vomiting, diarrhea, and dehydration, you should consult your physician immediately and seek emergency medical assistance.
Morning Sickness Relief Tips
There are a number of ways which can help in morning sickness relief significantly. However, the morning sickness may not completely subside.
1. Nutrition
One of the first and simplest corrective actions that you can take morning sickness relief is improving nutrition during pregnancy.
2. Foods to Take
Ginger is a very important ingredient in the diet that could help morning sickness relief. Keep your diet healthy and balanced. Make sure that your diet is rich in protein and vitamins such as A, B6, B12, C, and D.
3. Foods to Avoid
Some food and smells can trigger nausea in some people. You should learn about the particular foods that cause such a reaction and avoid them. Some of the usual culprits in this regard are milk, coffee, cheese and citrus juices.
4. Fluid Intake
One of the most effective ways morning sickness relief is regular fluid intake. Remaining hydrated is good for your health during pregnancy anyway.
5. Supplements
Taking supplements of Vitamin B6 and B12 could help morning sickness relief. However, nutritional supplements should only be taken on the physician’s advice to avoid imbalance complications.
6. Eating Habits
The way you eat can also have an effect on reducing the episodes of morning sickness. As the condition usually occurs right after you wake up, you should arrange for an in-bed snack before you get out of it. Remain in the bed for a while and allow your digestive system to absorb the snack, which should be something light. Once you feel comfortable, slowly move out of the bed.
Do not go on an empty stomach and do not overeat. Eat in small and several portions instead of the usual large meals in order to avoid nausea.
7. Exercise
Mild exercise can have a positive impact as far as reducing morning sickness relief is concerned. Exercise can surely help you reduce stress, which has a positive impact on this condition. Exercises for pregnancy can help overcome the severity and irritability of the condition and is also helpful in preventing hypertension, gestational diabetes, and postpartum depression. Some useful exercise options are walking, Yoga, swimming, mild strength training and stationary cycling.
However, remain cautious and conservative in your approach because certain exercises are not suitable in pregnancies, such as those involving bouncing and jarring. Avoid exercises with the risk of collision and falling. Do not lift heavy weights and always stretch before and after working out.
8. Rest
Finally, the onset of morning sickness is a sign that you deserve some rest. Relax your nerves and get as much rest as comfortable and possible. Morning sickness is worsened by factors such as stress, depression, fatigue and lack of sleep.
9. Treatment
Sometimes morning sickness deteriorates into serious conditions such as severe vomiting, dehydration, dizziness, and fever. Medical assistance is necessary in such a case. However, many women may seek treatment even if such a condition is not reached.
Antihistamines: Antihistamines can reduce the symptoms of morning sickness. Examples include doxylamine. These drugs can also be taken with Vitamin B6 supplements on the physician’s advice.
Acupressure: Acupressure is an alternative treatment that works for some women. Acupressure contrasts from acupuncture as it involves no needles. Instead, the physician or practitioner presses the inner side of the arm, precisely the P6 pressure point of the body, which is said to relieve nausea in many cases. The method does not have any risks and studies have shown it to be effective in morning sickness relief duration.
Try these ways to reduce morning sickness relief tips and see if you can feel any improvement.